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Representative Harris, Indiana House celebrate farmworkers

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Representative Earl L. Harris, Jr. (D-East Chicago) and Indiana House members today celebrated the contributions farmworkers make to Hoosier communities.

Harris was joined by Proteus case manager, Jesusa Rivera, recognizing the week of March 25-31 as National Farmworkers Awareness Week, to raise awareness about farmworker conditions and to honor their important contributions to help put food on our plates.

According to the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, Indiana has 56,800 farming operations with an average farm size of 259 acres. Hoosier farms employ year-round, seasonal, and migrant workers who provide safety, security, and sustainability of the nation’s food supply and contribute billions of dollars annually to Indiana’s economy.

Harris recognized the contributions of farmworkers; Proteus, Inc.; and Cesar Chavez in their work supporting Hoosier farmworkers. Chavez was an American labor leader and civil rights activist who dedicated his life to nonviolent organizing for wages, safe labor conditions, and dignity for farmworkers in a nationwide struggle for justice in the U.S.

“I thought it was appropriate to use this week to recognize the importance of farmworkers and their contributions to Indiana,” Harris said. “March 31 is the birthday of Cesar Chavez, a proponent of the American labor movement who co-founded the National Farm Workers Association.

“This week will be a time for Hoosiers to recognize and appreciate local farmworkers for the countless hours they spend growing and harvesting the food that we find on our tables,” Harris added.

Proteus, Inc. is an Iowa-based private nonprofit organization that has served migrant and seasonal farmworkers and immigrants for over 40 years. Proteus, Inc. offers three programs in Indiana: the Health and Safety Training Program, Housing Education, and the National Farmworker Jobs Program.

The National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) partners with community organizations and state agencies to counter chronic unemployment and underemployment experienced by farmworkers who depend on opportunities provided by the agriculture industry across the nation. Services provided by the National Farmworker Jobs Program include career services, training services, youth services, related assistance services, and housing assistance.

“Proteus and NFJP work together to ensure migrant workers are treated fairly and have the necessary resources they need to succeed,” Harris said. “I am proud to stand with the Indiana House in honoring our Hoosier farmworkers.”

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