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Rep. Smith calls for public participation in proposal to close GCSC middle schools

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On Tuesday, October 3,  Mike Raisor, emergency manager of Gary Community School Corporation proposed a plan at the Gary school board meeting to close Bailly Middle School and Gary Middle School.  Raisor named poor building conditions, under-utilization, and a historical decrease in enrollment from elementary to middle school. The proposal would reorganize the district by adding 6th grade to the elementary schools, and converting West Side Leadership Academy into a junior and senior high school by adding grades 7 and 8. Raisor claims that the proposal would save the district $4 million in operational costs, and $2 million with the suggested cuts to the administrative staff. The recommended plan is preliminary and will be open to input from the community. 

“While I agree with addressing some of the longstanding issues within the district, I do not think the plan proposed last week is the best course of action,” State Rep. Vernon Smith (D-Gary) said. “During a time as critical for development as 7th and 8th grade, throwing young students in with highschoolers could have major consequences for both social development and academic performance.

“The uneven power dynamic created by the age gap between middle schoolers and high schoolers is likely to result in bullying or negative peer pressure. Social expectations for an 18-year-old are far different from that of a 12-year-old. Having students go directly from elementary school to high school eliminates the specialized environment of focused support and attention that middle schools provide to prepare children for that change. Navigating an intense shift in surroundings and classmates may distract from learning. School work and academic performance will be the first things to slip when students become overwhelmed.

“There needs to be a carefully planned transitional program if a change as large as this is to be implemented. The social, emotional, and academic well-being of the students must be the top priority, not potential cost savings.

“I encourage every parent, student, teacher, and member of the community to get involved in this conversation and give their input. Public hearings should be held at both middle schools to allow everyone affected the opportunity to weigh in and be informed about the full scope of the decision.” 

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