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Rep. Karlee Macer and the Indiana General Assembly honored long-term care professionals today

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – At the Statehouse today, Representative Karlee Macer and the Indiana General Assembly honored long-term care professionals who provide compassionate services for people who need extra assistance.

“It is so important that we recognize our long-term care professionals, as they are the backbone of our healthcare system and incredible caregivers for our loved ones,” Macer said.

Hoosier long-term care professionals focus on caring for the elderly and those who are suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s, and various other medical conditions. They remain dedicated to improving and providing Hoosiers pathways to recovery and affordable living.

“These professionals are not only exceptional caregivers, but they also introduce the highest quality control into home health, adult, and other community-based facilities,” she added. “They provide the patient with stability and valued life-long relationships. It is their goal to demonstrate high standards of professionalism.”

That is why these caregivers dedicate extensive hours to promoting innovative solutions for vulnerable Hoosiers.

This resolution hits home for Macer, who passionately led the community relations department at the Westside Garden Plaza retirement community for over a decade.

Through her work, Macer has come to understand the challenges faced by seniors and has worked tirelessly with these care professionals to improve the quality of life for the elderly and disabled.

“They didn’t choose this profession for money or praise, two things they deserve more of, but because their compassionate hearts called them to serve those in need of their help.” Macer said.

“Their dedication is unmatched and our gratitude for their work cannot be overstated.”

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