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State Rep. Ryan Hatfield reviews legislative efforts to reduce the high cost of life-saving drugs

News & Media

The legislature unanimously passed a measure I co-authored to lower the cost to counties of the life-saving drug epinephrine, which is used to counteract severe allergic reactions.

As a result of House Enrolled Act 1180, emergency medical technicians can now be trained to use pre-loaded syringes of epinephrine, which will reduce the need for counties to purchase the more expensive auto-injectable version commonly known as an EpiPen. In some counties, EMTs spend nearly 45 percent of their annual budgets on EpiPens. This legislation will greatly reduce costs and help save more lives.

I was proud to be a part of the great bipartisan effort that resulted in this common-sense new law and pleased to attend the signing ceremony for this legislation held by Governor Holcomb at the Statehouse in April.

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