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Reardon speaks out against the travel ban

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Representative Mara Candelaria Reardon (D-Munster) has issued the following statement about President Trump’s passage of the immigration ban:

“I stand with the clergy men and lay leaders from the Islamic Center of Highland who gathered in Munster on Monday (Jan. 30) for a vigil of solidarity, peace and justice. I want to make it as clear as possible that I am wholeheartedly against this ban.

“I believe this is absolutely a matter of justice. We are talking about people who are being banned who are following the rules and decided to come to America the right way. They have been fully vetted. Excluding them is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

“This ban is based on religion, fear and President Donald Trump’s business agenda and that’s completely the wrong way to go.”

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