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Pryor receives Human Rights Award for legislation and political education

IBLC, News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Representative Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis) received a Human Rights award for her contributions to legislation and political education.

Pryor received the award from the Human Rights Committee of the Indianapolis Education Association (IEA) during the group’s 44th Annual IEA Martin Luther King Jr. Human Rights Awards Committee Luncheon at the Madame C.J. Walker Ballroom on Saturday (January 14).

The association is the exclusive representative of the Indianapolis Public Schools Bargaining Unit for all licensed teachers and administrators. Some of their responsibilities involve handling leaves, job sharing, retirement, benefits and compensation.

The theme of the ceremony was “We Are Made By History.”

Along with honoring Pryor, the IEA also paid tribute to eight Indianapolis Public School (IPS) high school seniors who will receive awards of at least $500. The group also honored several company leaders.

“I am honored and thrilled to have received the Human Rights Award,” Pryor said. “I will continue to work toward policies that benefit children in k-12th grades and make it easier for Hoosiers to pursue a higher education. I am also committed to promoting efforts that help our children be the leaders of the future.”

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