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Pryor celebrates Pike High School teacher, Graciela Miranda, named as 2025 Indiana Teacher of the Year

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Friday (Sept. 27),  the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) announced Graciela Miranda as the 2025 Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Miranda teaches English language learners from Freshman to Senior year at Pike High School.

State Rep. Cherrish Pryor released the following statement:

“I am unbelievably proud to have the 2025 Teacher of the Year, Graciela Miranda, in my district. When the top three finalists were announced, I had the pleasure of sitting in on Mrs. Miranda’s class while she went through a lesson. It was remarkable to see her passion for education and creating life-long learners shine through as she spoke to her class. In that lesson, Mrs. Miranda used her own upbringing as a first-generation college graduate to impart on her students that there is nothing they cannot achieve if they work hard and dream big.

“What stood out most to me about Mrs. Miranda was how deeply she cares for each and every student. It was clear that her students see that as well. After the announcement on Friday, I was touched to see a group of her students run up to Mrs. Miranda and pull her into a big group hug. The reaction from all the students in the room just shows that Mrs. Miranda is seen as an inspiring figure throughout the school.

“With over 64,000 teachers in our state, it is an honor to have one of Pike High School’s own recognized as the best. Congratulations, Mrs. Miranda! Thank you for all that you do for your students and our community.”

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