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Porter abstains from budget committee vote for the second time, objects use of surplus funds for LEAP district

News & Media, IHDC in the News, Member Featured

Today, Aug. 22, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) requested an additional $200 million for private, undisclosed operations. The IEDC claims it will use this funding to acquire land in Boone County and to develop infrastructure within the LEAP District. An estimated $50 million will be transferred from the IEDC to the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) for a pipeline to deliver 25 million gallons per day to Lebanon. State Rep. Gregory W. Porter (D-Indianapolis) abstained from confirming the State Budget Committee (SBC) agenda due to the IEDC’s requests. 

“I’ve lost track of how many times the IEDC has come to this committee and asked for hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars with no transparency,” Porter said. “It’s too many times to count. There’s a clear disrespect for our taxpayers and their hard-earned dollars. I’ve said it over and over again: The public has a right to know where their money is going and how it's being spent. 

“Our taxpayer’s pockets aren’t limitless, but the IEDC acts like that’s the case. Now we’re considering dipping into the surplus for the LEAP district. We were told the taxpayers wouldn’t be on the hook for their pipeline projects. The state was reluctant to use surplus funding for our most vulnerable Hoosiers after the $1 billion Medicaid mistake. But we’ll shell the money out to the LEAP project that lacks public support and transparency. 

“This body has given the IEDC a blank check, and they continue to use it to their advantage. I abstained from the vote again today because I will not continue to enable this runaway agency with surplus funding. Taxpayers work hard for their money. It’s part of their livelihoods given to the state. It’s the least we can do to respect their hard-earned dollars and ensure they’re used appropriately.” 

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