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Pfaff: Final approval given for $18.4 million ISU building renovation

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Tonya Pfaff (D-Terre Haute) announced today that the State Budget Committee has approved a $18.4 million project that will continue the renovation of an academic facility at Indiana State University (ISU).

“The new Dreiser Hall will allow for growth in several areas of the university and draw more young people to Terre Haute,” Pfaff said. “I’m excited for the opportunities this renovation will produce.

“As an educator myself, I know that teaching is an ever-changing profession and it’s vital that this student hub keeps up with the times,” Pfaff added.

Dreiser Hall, constructed in 1950, is home to academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, including communications, media production, student-operated radio stations, distance education classrooms and a 255-seat theatre.

In order to function optimally, the university needs to improve ADA accessibility by replacing elevators and adding a publicly accessible restroom on the first floor. ISU also needs to replace critical building components in the hall such as plumbing, HVAC, fire suppression and electrical additions. Additionally, the building envelope will need to be repaired in order to withstand harsh weather conditions.

This will be the second phase of the facility’s renovation. It is the last historical building to be updated on campus.

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