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Pelath: “So now it’s a good idea to think about federal funding for Pre-K?”

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INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath from Michigan City today issued the following statement after Gov. Mike Pence indicated an interest in exploring federal funding for an expansion of pre-K programs:

“So now our governor thinks getting federal funding to invest in pre-K programs is an idea worth exploring.

“What a shame he didn’t think that way back in October 2014, when he completely rejected an opportunity to get $80 million in federal funds for pre-school programs for low-income students – the same types of students he wants the federal government to help him support now.

“Back then, he could use the specter of Big Brother looming over our children as an excuse not to bring our tax dollars back to Indiana.

“Now, of course, he’s in an election fight, and he’s trying to prove his bonafides for another term as governor. Never mind that he has spent a good portion of the last three and a half years doing what he can to help dismantle Indiana’s public schools.

“If there was no true philosophical objection to getting back our own money, then what were the last two years for?  Kids during that time will never have a second chance to get a first chance.

“All I do know is that we could have millions and millions of federal dollars already in place to benefit those children who need it the most…and the governor just said no back in 2014.

“Once again, he could have saved us a lot of grief by ditching the Tea Party talking points and taking our common sense advice first, rather than last.”

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