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Moseley legislation protects victims of domestic violence

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Courts would be able to expedite the process of conducting a final hearing regarding domestic violence resulting in the dissolution of a marriage, under legislation coauthored by State Representative Chuck Moseley (D-Portage).

House Bill 1014, which passed unanimously out of the House, looks to protect individuals filing for divorce from abusive spouses by allowing courts to dissolve a marriage at any time after the individual has petitioned for divorce. Current law prohibits a court from conducting a final hearing or entering a summary dissolution decree earlier than 60 days after a petition or counter petition has been filed.

“This bill protects the rights of women in divorce cases by offering them additional protection from their abusive husbands, as well as extending this protection to any children in these homes,” said Moseley.

The bill will expedite the process of divorce cases where one party has been found guilty of committing crimes of domestic violence or child abuse.

“Too often I’ve seen women find the courage to leave these abusive homes but the victimization does not stop after the termination of the relationship,” said Moseley. “This legislation will help protect the women and children who escape these toxic relationships.”

Moseley believes the protection offered in this bill to victims of domestic violence will be a large step forward in curbing domestic violence cases.

The bill has now moved to the Indiana Senate, where it awaits further action.

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