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Moseley earns recognition from the American Legion

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INDIANAPOLIS – His commitment to helping Hoosier veterans has earned State Rep. Chuck Moseley (D-Portage) the prestigious Distinguished Public Service Award from The American Legion, Department of Indiana.

Moseley received the honor during the Legion’s 95th annual Department Convention in Indianapolis this past weekend. Legion officials said he was recognized for his work in protecting veterans’ interests during the 2013 session of the Indiana General Assembly.

While support for veterans has been a staple for Moseley during his legislative career, his involvement on two issues over the past several months played a major role in the Legion’s decision to honor him this year.

Last November, thanks to urging from Moseley, it became easier for veterans with experience driving trucks and other heavy equipment to use those skills to find employment once their service is completed. The state Bureau of Motor Vehicles established a policy that enables the agency to waive a skills test for select veterans applying for an Indiana Commercial Driver’s License.

The work caught the notice of Indiana Legion Commander Richard A. Jewell, who said Moseley, “by his insistence that they do the right thing, saved countless hours of efforts to secure the same results by legislation.”

During the 2013 legislative session, Moseley co-authored a new state law that enables the state’s Emergency Medical Services Commission to develop rules that will enable the state to issue Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and paramedic licenses to applicants who have met training standards through their military service.

“In both instances, our efforts were designed to help veterans get employed much easier by taking advantage of the skills they gained while in the military,” Moseley said.

“These men and women should be allowed to use the training they’ve received while serving our country to help find employment once they return home,” he continued. “By removing government red tape, we are making it easier for them to do what they love and help their communities.”

Observers also credited Moseley for leading efforts to make sure that the POW/MIA (Prisoner of War/ Missing in Action) flag is flown in the chambers of both the Indiana House and Senate.

“While I am honored to have this sort of recognition, all of this is done to pay proper tribute to thousands of men and women who have selflessly given up their everyday lives to protect and defend our country,” Moseley said. “To me, these are the types of things we need to be doing on a regular basis for our veterans. We owe them so much for the sacrifices they have made.”

Moseley is a veteran of service with the Army National Guard.

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