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Miller tackles fabricated media, renters rights and court programs during sophomore legislative session

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In his second year as a legislator, State Rep. Kyle Miller (D - Fort Wayne) has filed three bills for consideration.

House Bill 1225 creates safeguards against the use of fabricated media in elections and campaign advertisements. If a candidate or person affiliated with a campaign – whether directly or through a PAC – is found to have used altered media, including audio or video, of another person, they can be found to have committed a deceptive act subject to a civil action by the individual or by the person entitled to exercise and enforce the individual's rights.

“Our technological capabilities are expanding every day, and we need to be doing everything in our power to ensure that artificial intelligence or any other technological means people have at their disposal are not being used to undermine the integrity of our elections,” Miller said. “This bill is a starting point to outline clear guidelines about the use of media in campaign advertisements and materials.”

House Bill 1225 has been referred to the Committee on Courts and Criminal Code.

House Bill 1226 would mandate that a rental agreement may not require a tenant to declaw a cat as a condition of the agreement.

“This legislation was sparked by a message from a constituent,” Miller said. “Renters should not be forced to maim their family pet to be able to rent a home, and I'm hoping this bill can help District 82 residents dealing with this issue with their landlords.”

This bill has been referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Finally, House Bill 1293 defines a family domestic violence problem court that is being piloted in Allen County.

“Witnessing – or being victimized by – domestic violence can cause lasting harm to a child and victim. This bill would ensure that families can be made to undergo domestic violence family court to ensure that adequate steps are being taken to ensure the safety of children and provide resources for children and victims.” Miller said.

This bill has been referred to the Committee on Courts and Criminal Code.

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