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Macer on Carrier: focus always must remain on the workers

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Karlee Macer (D-Indianapolis) today issued the following statement after the announcement from President-elect Donald Trump about the future of Carrier Corp. in Indiana. (Macer represents the 92nd Indiana House District, which includes Carrier’s Indianapolis plant.):

“Throughout this entire affair, my chief concern has been with the men and women who work at Carrier, and their families.

“Today’s announcement would appear to save the jobs of around 800 of those men and women, and for that, we should be grateful and thankful.

“But our vigilance should not end after the TV cameras leave. The work is not done here.

“We must make sure that the people who have kept their jobs keep their salaries and benefits so they can continue to take care of their families.

“We cannot forget the 1,300 Carrier workers in Indianapolis and Huntington who are still losing their jobs. It is our obligation to help them find work, just as we all must help the workers at places like Rexnord Bearings.

“We also must gauge the effect of today’s announcement on the taxpayers of Indiana. Keeping Carrier here comes at a cost for everyone, and we must make sure to be vigilant on their behalf.

“It is all about the workers here. I must admit that I am a little concerned that the workers played little or no role in the negotiations that led to today’s announcement. I want to believe that there is genuine concern for their well-being now and into the future, and that they are not just serving as props for TV coverage designed only to benefit our next President.

“I also must say that I hope this matter reminds Carrier and United Technologies that they do have obligations here to the state of Indiana, its workers, and Hoosier taxpayers, who have done so much for them. I would hope that concern drives them more than being worried about losing billions of dollars in federal contracts.

“I am elated on behalf of the hundreds of workers who have been given a lifeline…but there is so much more to be done.”

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