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Long-term water utility plan is on its way to Pence’s desk

News & Media

For immediate release:
April 9, 2015


INDIANAPOLIS – Legislation sponsored by State Rep. Steven R. Stemler (D-Jeffersonville) that takes the first step in collecting data regarding Indiana’s current water resources is on its way to Governor Mike Pence for final consideration.

Members of the Indiana House of Representatives today passed Senate Bill 474, which would require the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) to analyze the state’s water utility planning and long-term needs. Since House members made no changes to the legislation, it goes directly to Gov. Pence’s desk for his signature or veto.

“I have continually supported better planning and forecasting of Indiana’s long-term water consumption,” Stemler said. “The goal is to develop a master plan for water utilities that meets the needs of Hoosiers while conserving water when possible.

“This legislation will provide vital information to properly plan for our state’s foreseeable industrial, agricultural, consumer and recreational water needs,” he added.

The analysis would include the 15 most populous Indiana cities and five other water utilities selected by the IFA, each of which serves fewer than 10,000 customers.

SB 474 unanimously advanced through the House by a vote of 95-0.

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