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Legislators call for action following Indianapolis mosque shooting on Muslim holy day

IBLC, News & Media, Member Featured

INDIANAPOLIS – State Representative Gregory W. Porter (D-Indianapolis), State Representative Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis) and State Senator Greg Taylor (D-Indianapolis) issued the following statements after a shooting occurred at an Indianapolis mosque on the holy day of Eid-ul-Fitr:

“I'm deeply saddened to learn about another instance of targeted hate against the Indiana Muslim community,” Porter said. “The violence perpetrated against worshipers at Masjid-E-Noor on one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar was senseless and despicable. Indiana is a diverse multi-faith state, and Muslims, like all other Hoosiers, deserve the right to worship freely and without fear. During a global pandemic our Muslim brothers and sisters are worrying about a different epidemic: bigotry. Hoosiers must stand together publicly denouncing any violence targeting our religious communities. I encourage those leading the investigation at the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department to identify this bias-motivated criminal act as a hate crime. We must continue to advocate for tolerance, not intolerance.”

“I am appalled by the news that yet another cowardly act has been targeted toward our law abiding citizens as they simply worship and live in peace,” Pryor said. “There is no place for racism or hatred in Indiana, let alone in my district, and we cannot continue to stand by and remain silent as a lack of action sends a sign of acceptance for these heinous acts. I stand with my community and strongly believe that those who committed this crime should be prosecuted for a hate crime on top of their other charges.”

“I was sickened when I heard the news of yet another hate crime committed against our Muslim brothers and sisters,” Taylor said. “The fact that this vile and hateful act took place on their holiest day—and in the middle of this pandemic—only makes it more tragic. I absolutely stand in solidarity with community members in calling for complete justice in this matter. Those responsible for these heinous acts must be charged swiftly and appropriately, if we are truly to see justice.”

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