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Klinker honors local schools for high IREAD scores at the Statehouse

News & Media, Media Releases

Today, Feb. 15, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) honored schools that achieved a 95% or higher pass rate of the 2023 IREAD-3 assessment. Many Tippecanoe County schools were honored at the event including: Amelia Earhart Elementary School, James Cole Elementary School, Dayton Elementary School, Saint James Lutheran School, Saint Lawrence Elementary School and Saint Mary Cathedral Elementary School. Principals and teachers attended the Statehouse to accept their award. 

State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette) released the following congratulatory statement:

“I was pleased to see so many of our Tippecanoe County schools honored for their high IREAD-3 scores. I worked with a reading program at Purdue University called Reading Recovery. I still volunteer each week with Read to Succeed at Miller Elementary. I understand the time, dedication, and encouragement our teachers devote as they teach reading. Our youth start with the basics of phonics, begin to recognize sound patterns and eventually work their way up to short stories. Their progression is due to the effort of our teachers and the support of our administrators.  

“Our state is experiencing a literacy crisis with one in five Hoosier students struggling to read by the end of 3rd grade. However, I believe our Tippecanoe County schools are a testament to educator’s efforts to diminish this figure. Many of our elementary schools were honored today. This is evidence of the hard work our local institutions are dedicating to reading proficiency. It was wonderful to see so many of our administrators and educators at the Statehouse. Thank you for the time you devote to the children of our community.” 

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