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Kersey focusing on improving voter turnout, legalizing cannabis oil for epilepsy treatment

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INDIANAPOLIS – State Representative Clyde Kersey (D-Terre Haute) is focusing on legislation that will implement a new way to increase voter turnout and legalize cannabis oil for epilepsy.

“I continue to be concerned that Indiana ranks as one of the worst states for voter turnout,” Kersey said.

“In 2014 less than 30 percent of people who were registered to vote bothered to show up at the polls. We should be doing everything in our power to make it easier for people to participate,” he added.

“In Indiana, the law requires a person to register 30 days before the election, however many Hoosiers forget or neglect that,” said Kersey. “However, when it gets closer to the election they decide they want to vote.”

That is why he is promoting House Bill 1178, which will enable a person to automatically register to vote when they obtain or renew their driver’s license, permit or identification card.

Kersey has also authored House Bill 1179, which would extend closing hours at the polls from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., giving Hoosiers two more hours to vote.

“This is important because Election Day always falls on a Tuesday and many Hoosiers don’t get out of work until 5 p.m.,” said Kersey.

This legislation will also allow a person to register to vote the same day as long as they provide proof of residence and a statement signed by another voter in the area.

“I think democracy works best when more people participate. That is why I hope my bills will increase voter turnout in Indiana,” said Kersey.

Kersey is also pushing House Bill 1177, which will enable people who suffer from epileptic seizures to use cannabis oil – also known as CBD.

“It has been shown in many cases that cannabis oil can help drastically reduce the number of seizures among people who are suffering from epilepsy,” said Kersey. “It is our duty as representatives to help Hoosiers in our area who are desperately trying to find relief from these seizures.”

This legislation requires that a person must have a note prescribed by a doctor for this condition and the CBD oil must contain low levels of THC.

Kersey is also one of many legislators promoting the legalization of CBD oil. He is hopeful that this groundswell of support will draw attention to the importance of this legislation and help it become law.

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