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Ivy Tech gets state approval to expand building

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Matt Pierce (D-Bloomington) praised the State Budget Committee for its approval to build an addition to the existing building on the Bloomington Ivy Tech Community College campus.

Approval for the $24 million project came during the committee’s July 10 meeting in Indianapolis.

“I want to commend the State Budget Committee for approving this essential project,” said Pierce. “The original funding was approved during the 2009 Special Session. However, the funding was held by the Daniels administration, which meant the state has been wasting tax money for years on rent for buildings scattered throughout Bloomington. Fortunately, Ivy Tech will now pay less for the bond to construct the new addition, than it has been spending on rental costs. I appreciate the new administration and the State Budget Committee for ending the penny-wise, pound-foolish policy of the previous administration by finally getting the project underway before construction costs rise any higher.”

Pierce noted the delay cost the state significant savings when it failed to build the addition during the recession when construction companies, desperate for work, were bidding projects at 25 to 30 percent below previous bids and interest rates were at all-time lows.

Pierce worked with former State Senator Vi Simpson and former State Representative Peggy Welch to appropriate money for the expansion in the 2009 budget. The appropriated money could not be spent until the project received State Budget Committee approval. The addition to the current building will allow for more classrooms, science labs, open computer labs, an auditorium, a wellness center, faculty offices, a student gathering area, and additional support space. The expansion will help Ivy Tech satisfy the needs of increased enrollment as well as the growth of its programs.

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