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Indiana clocks highest-ever state gas tax; Lafayette Democratic delegation continues call for gas tax suspension

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INDIANAPOLIS – Friday (July 1, 2022), Indiana’s gas taxes will hit a record-high of 80.5 cents per gallon. As Democrats’ call to suspend the gas tax enters its fourth month and Republicans have yet again pushed back the special session to provide economic relief for Hoosiers, Lafayette members of the House Democratic Caucus issued the following statements:

“The Automatic Tax Refund of just $225 is simply not enough for the thousands of families that are struggling to make ends meet,” said State Rep. Chris Campbell (D-West Lafayette). “Indiana has an exorbitant surplus due to the excessive amount of taxes that have been taken in, including the massive spike in our state gas taxes. A prudent budget surplus for the state could be as low as 8%, and a 12.5% surplus is at the upper end of what a healthy budget should be. Our $6.1 billion surplus is obviously well over that 12.5%, and there are potentially millions more to be added later this month. Statehouse Republicans are hoarding the money that should be spent investing in and aiding Hoosiers. 

“We could easily double the second tax refund with our budget to give more back to families and we should be expanding it to reach those who wouldn’t be receiving it. Right now, the tax refund would not include anyone who had a low enough income that they didn’t file taxes. Additionally, senior citizens on Social Security, those who are disabled, recent high school and college grads, and other new additions to the workforce would not receive it either. A suspension of the state gas taxes, on the other hand, would be immediate relief that applies to all Hoosiers.”

“With the available surplus, I agree with Gov. Holcomb on the tax refund,” said State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette). “However, we would like for him to consider expanding that to include folks on Social Security and disability who do not file taxes. Unless we change the law, they will not receive any future refunds, either.”

“I also think we should be looking seriously at helping folks with the gas tax due to the fact that many folks are affected by high prices when they have to travel many miles just to get to their workplace. I am hoping that Gov. Holcomb and Statehouse Republicans will reconsider on helping folks with the gas tax.”

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