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House Republican agenda for 2014 session lacks a vision that we can do better

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath of Michigan City today issued the following statement about the House Republican agenda for the 2014 session of the Indiana General Assembly:

“At a time when Indiana demands bold moves to rejuvenate our lagging middle class, the House Republicans are pursuing an agenda that is seemingly designed to get this session over as meekly as possible.

“The words themselves should inflame few Hoosiers. We all want to do more to help our kids get ahead. The need to improve our sagging infrastructure is obvious. We all agree about our skills gap. There isn’t a person out there who likes burdensome regulations.

“The Republican vision lacks a belief that we can do better.

“I am pleased the House Republicans have essentially abandoned the governor’s jobless initiative to get rid of the business personal property tax, a proposal that would add even greater burdens to our middle class and struggling communities.

“This agenda also ignores the elephant in the room and the single issue that will draw attention to our state…for all the wrong reasons: the unfortunate plan to place the denial of marriage equality into our state’s highest document, our Indiana constitution. Despite the stubbornly backward picture this proposal paints of our state, it appears we are dragging our citizens through a protracted and divisive episode.

“With the prospect of that ugly debate looming in the weeks to come, I suppose there is no surprise that the House Republicans would offer such a listless agenda.

“It does not address the very real problems Hoosiers face every day, and it will be the duty of House Democrats this session to discuss those problems and offer solutions that can help our middle class now.”

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