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House passes Macer’s plan to improve volunteer firefighter safety

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House members today passed legislation co-authored by State Representative Karlee Macer (D-Indianapolis) that would ensure volunteer firefighters across the state receive the proper training.

House Bill 1370, passed 92-1, would require volunteer firefighters to successfully complete minimum basic training requirements before going out on calls.

“The idea for House Bill 1370 was brought to my attention by a volunteer firefighter from my area named Larry Curl,” Macer said. “He explained the need for volunteer firefighters to be properly trained and given their credentials. This simple change will help improve safety for our volunteer firefighters.”

This legislation requires a volunteer firefighter to go through the minimum training, which can be up to 64 hours, before being allowed to enact any of their emergency response duties.

Some of the basic requirements to become a firefighter are that you have to be over the age of 18, live near a local fire department, and be an Indiana resident and U.S. citizen.

You must also hold a valid driver’s license and security card, pass a background check, as well as undergo physical and medical examinations.

“There are about 16,000 volunteer firefighters in Indiana who are risking their lives on a daily basis, so they deserve the opportunity to be trained and able to perform their duties when they show up to the scene,” Macer added.

This legislation will now move to the Senate for further review.

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