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Governor signs Goodin bill providing added benefit for long-time law enforcement officers

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INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has signed into law legislation authored by State Rep. Terry Goodin (D-Austin) that provides an added benefit for long-time veterans of law enforcement for their years of service.

House Enrolled Act 1250 enables all police officers, sheriffs or their deputies, and law enforcement officers of the U.S. government who have 20 or more years of service to have a free lifetime license to carry a handgun in Indiana. Current Indiana law provides this benefit with law enforcement officers with more than 20 years of service, but only upon retirement.

“This is a very simple bill, but one that shows a measure of respect for those men and women who have dedicated their lives toward protecting our communities,” Goodin said. “They put their lives on the line every day, year after year, and I believe they deserve this benefit for their continued service. I believe it is the very least we can do.”

Around 2,500 state and local law enforcement officers and 500 federal officers could qualify for a free license earlier under the provisions of this act.

Enrolled House Act 1250 takes effect July 1, 2017.

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