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Gore disappointed in sentencing of Officer Breann Leath’s killer, seeks legislative remedy

News & Media, Media Releases

Friday, April 5, Elliahs Dorsey was sentenced to time served for killing Officer Breann Leath in April of 2020. This sentencing came after a jury found Dorsey guilty but mentally ill during his trial in February of this year. Judge Stoner’s decision was met with backlash from the community, particularly from those within the law enforcement profession including the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police.

State Rep. Mitch Gore (D- Indianapolis), the only presently-serving law enforcement officer in the Indiana General Assembly, issued the following statement:

“I am appalled by the lenient sentence handed down for the killer of Officer Breann Leath. While nothing will bring Breann back or fill the hole left by her loss, anything less than the maximum sentence does not feel like ample justice for slaying a law enforcement officer and a young mother.

“As a father, I cannot imagine how a sentence like this rips open the wound of losing a daughter to such violence. I have spoken with the Leath family to express my sympathy and frustration, and committed to exploring all legislative remedies to ensure this never happens again.

“I support the FOP’s call for Marion County to return to electing our judges – an option available to the vast majority of Indiana counties. Those tasked with delivering justice should be accountable to the people.”

Earlier this year, Gore authored House Concurrent Resolution 4 to establish the “Officer Breann Leath Memorial Mile” on U.S. Highway 52 between Davis Road and German Church Road. HCR 4 passed both chambers unanimously.

“Bre deserves more than a road renaming, she deserves justice. Judge Stoner failed to deliver that for her, her son, her family, her colleagues, and her community.”

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