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Gathering will commemorate Sen. Robert F. Kennedy’s speech on tragic day in 1968

News & Media

STATEHOUSE – Civic groups will gather on Friday, April 4, to commemorate U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy’s historic Indianapolis speech given on the day Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.

U.S. Reps. André Carson and Susan Brooks are scheduled to address the group during the 5-6:30 p.m. event at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park at the corner of 17th St. and Broadway in downtown Indianapolis. They will participate unless called back to Washington, D.C. on congressional business.

The event’s theme is “Making the Dream a Reality: Reaffirming our Commitment to Address the Roots of Violence.” The issues addressed during the gathering will include health, housing, education, and economic development.

The Indiana Latino Institute, the Indianapolis Housing Agency, the Julian Center, Pat Payne, and Bill and Rose Mays will all receive special honors.

The Rev. Tammy Robinson, pastor at The House of God Church in Indianapolis, will speak about the purpose of the event. Robinson is also the facilitator for the Citywide Crime Prevention and Reduction Plan convened by the Forest Manor Multi-Service Center.

Music will be provided by the Herron High School Jazz Band and various drummers.

In case of inclement weather, the event will be moved to the old School #27, adjacent to MLK, Jr. Park, at 17th and Park Street.

Partners for the event are AFSCME, Axis Architecture, Brooklynn Audio Productions, Citizens’ Neighborhood Coalition, Office of Congressman André Carson, Concerned Clergy, CONTEXT Landscape Architecture, Emmis Communications, Forest Manor Multi-Service Center, Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County, Indiana Black Legislative Caucus, Indiana Christian Leadership Conference, Indiana Fair Housing Commission, Indiana Sports Corporation, The City of Indianapolis, Indianapolis-Marion County City-Council, Indianapolis Housing Agency, Indy Parks & Recreation, King Park Area Development Corporation, Kroger, Marion Superior Court, Office of Mayor Greg Ballard, NCAA, Pacers Sports & Entertainment, Priority Engineering, Radio One, St. John & Associates, and Turner Construction.

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