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Fleming highlights plans for new solar cell production faciity in Jeffersonville

News & Media, Media Releases

Yesterday, Oct. 30, Gov. Holcomb announced plans for a new solar photovoltaic (PV) cell production facility at River Ridge Commerce Center in Jeffersonville. The $800 million dollar plant will be owned by Canadian Solar – a company focused on the manufacture of solar power products, services, systems and solutions. This facility will create over 1,200 new jobs over the next several years. Canadian solar plans to begin hiring for new positions mid-2024, and production will begin by the end of 2025. 

 State Rep. Rita Fleming issued the following statement: 

“Our community deserves economic security, and we deserve continued investment and development. Today’s announcement by Gov. Holcomb is another triumph for Clark and Floyd County that cements our future. This solar facility will create new jobs and expand opportunities for our community– especially those who are part of the technical workforce. By creating good paying jobs, we promote economic security. We create breathing room for middle-class families that struggled during the pandemic.  

“Southern Indiana tends to be forgotten among Indiana’s larger, central cities when it comes to business. I appreciate the State’s renewed commitment to fostering growth in all its regions. I’m looking forward to this facility, and I know it will make a positive impact.”

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