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First half of legislative session failed hard-working Hoosiers and most vulnerable among us, says Goodin

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana House Democratic Leader Terry Goodin from Austin today issued the following statement after the close of the first half of the 2018 session of the Indiana General Assembly:

“So we’re halfway home in 2018. What have we learned so far?

“Those in charge aren’t interested in talking about election reform by creating an independent commission to handle redistricting. They say we don’t have any time to do the kind of study that’s needed…less than two years after we spent an entire summer studying this exact reform.

“Those in charge would prefer to pass the buck rather than deal with protecting at-risk kids now.

“Those in charge don’t think we need to do a thing about recent reports that getting rid of the common construction wage hasn’t kept taxpayer costs down and hasn’t put more money in workers’ pockets. Who needs a minimum wage increase or wage equity? Not Indiana. Not when we can gloat about our lofty rankings in business magazines with subscriptions that no one can afford.

“Those in charge think it’s asking too much to simply discuss a comprehensive hate crimes bill in Indiana. It’s just easier to waffle.

“But what have we done this year?

“Those in charge are doing their level best to turn loan sharking into a growth industry by passing a bill (HB 1319) that lets payday companies charge interest rates above what is considered a felony in the state of Indiana.

“Those in charge have continued to do everything in their power to take local control away from our schools by passing legislation (HB 1315) that pretty much removes your voice from the way your kids are being taught.

“Those in charge did agree that we needed to move quickly to take a big risk and allow Indiana to become the 39th state to sell alcohol on Sundays. This is a priority? Really?

“What we are seeing here is a massive misuse of conducting short sessions…at least this short session. We are doing nothing except marking time until March 15. There is no willingness to do anything except less than the bare minimum, and when we do act, it’s for things that shouldn’t be passed in the first place. Ugh.

“Maybe things will improve in the second half of this session. Maybe we will grab the bull by the horns and make some difficult decisions that can help the people of Indiana.

“But then again, one of the bills sent to us takes a bold stand against eyeball tattooing.”

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