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Ernie Pyle Building at Indiana Veterans’ Home to have flooring replaced to improve resident safety

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Sheila Klinker (D-Lafayette) said the State Budget Committee agreed to allow the expenditure of $225,000 at the Indiana Veterans’ Home for the replacement of old flooring on the second and third levels of the Ernie Pyle Building.

The approval came during the committee’s meeting today on the Indiana University Purdue University campus in downtown Indianapolis.

Klinker, who represents several buildings at the Veterans’ Home, said the 32,100 square feet of floor replacement will create a safer environment for the residents.

“Those floors are used primarily for patent care and residential living,” said Klinker. “Several of those residents suffer from dementia and other forms of brain disease. What was explained to me was the current, well-worn flooring, originally installed in 1972, can confuse residents because it can appear to them that there are items on the floor, like pennies, or pools of water because the vinyl floor is glossy. When those residents bend over to pick up those perceived items, they risk falling and, of course, a fall for one of those individuals can be quite a serious health risk.

“As a member of the House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee, I am appreciative of the sensitivity to this issue by the State Budget Committee,” added Klinker.

“We owe so much to our veterans. Making the buildings at the Indiana Veterans’ Home safer and more comfortable for the residents is important and appropriate. It is the least we can do for these American heroes.”

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