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DeLaney responds to governor’s letter on future of health care

News & Media

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Ed DeLaney (D-Indianapolis) today issued the following statement in response to Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb’s letter on the future of health care:

“Like many other Hoosiers I looked to our Governor for leadership on the issue of health care. He and I both served in the U.S. Navy, albeit years apart. In that capacity he showed his ability to lead but, on this issue he has failed us. In his memorandum to the public, sent yesterday, the Governor rightly started by noting the concern of our citizens as to whether their health care would continue to be covered. But the first concern expressed by the Governor was with the federal deficit. Other elected officials are responsible for that and could readily resolve that problem. The Governor’s concern should be with our health and our budget. Instead of focusing on those issues he repeated the clichés of criticism about Obamacare, notably about the exchanges. They are really not the heart of the issue. In fact, he indicated that he can solve that problem on his own. The real problem is with assuring our people that 450,000 Hoosiers will continue to benefit from HIP 2.0 and that all Hoosiers will benefit from the requirement that essential health benefits be covered by private insurance.

“The Governor’s other concern should be with our state budget. Every proposal that his congressional delegation supports would result in a reduction of federal funding for this effort. I suggest the Governor put aside his memorandum and spend his time on the phone explaining these points to our Republican U.S. Senator and seven Republican members of Congress from Indiana. They are not getting the message: Hoosiers want health care, not debating points.”

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