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DeLaney: House Bill 1338 is a victory for government secrecy

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Today, the House concurred on House Bill 1338, which is now on its way to the governor's desk to be signed into law. This bill limits the scope and job security of the public access counselor, who is supposed to advise members of the public, government officials and government employees on meetings and records that should be made public. In 2023, several valid complaints were filed against the board of trustees for the Hamilton East Public Library for violating the Open Door Law. Conservative backlash sparked this legislation. The bill passed 56-38, with all Democrats voting against. 

State Rep. Ed DeLaney (D-Indianapolis) issued the following statement upon passage of House Bill 1338: 

“Friends of government secrecy have won a big victory today. The counselor responsible for giving advice to the state about open meetings and open records is going to be muzzled under this bill. 

“Instead of freely giving advice and having a four-year term in office, the counselor can be fired at any time if his or her advice is not well received. There is no longer security in the office or protection from petty politics. 

“All of this is happening because some government officials got caught having a meeting without public notice. Transparency and allowing public input are fundamental obligations of our officials.”

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