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Dant Chesser unveils plan for government ethics legislation

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In the wake of former Clark County Sheriff Jamey Noel's sentencing to 15 years in prison for his misuse of local fire and EMS funds, State Rep. Wendy Dant Chesser (D-Jeffersonville) today unveiled her plans to offer a government ethics legislative package during the 2025 legislative session.

“As a taxpayer, it’s extremely frustrating to learn that the hard-earned money you gave to your local government was misused,” Dant Chesser said. “We need to protect against this abuse, and I am prepared to start ensuring accountability in our public processes. These will be the first of many proposals to rebuild trust in our public servants.”

Dant Chesser continued, “Nobody likes their paycheck taxed, but you know that money will help fund your local schools, roads or emergency services. You trust those in power to act in your best interest. After what we’ve experienced in Clark County, it’s clear we need to have additional protocols in place to prevent fraud and mismanagement.”

Dant Chesser's legislative proposals include training on ethical and fiduciary duties for local officials, additional guidelines and oversight of commissary fund spending, and building on previous bipartisan work, like a 2024 law that increases public transparency when it comes to government contracts and spending.


“Additionally, I plan to support local efforts to increase accountability. Sheriff Scottie Maples has taken new steps to ensure transparency, including releasing detailed expenditure reports and revamping purchasing fund procedures to prevent future abuses – these proposals should be codified, so even as the memory of the Jamey Noel incident fades, our commitment to transparency remains.

“The hurt and broken trust that Clark County has experienced at the hands of someone who did not uphold their ethical and fiduciary duty to taxpayers is something we will feel for years to come,” Dant Chesser said. “Thank you to Sheriff Maples for taking these important steps. I look forward to working across the aisle to ensure our local officials serve with integrity as we work to restore the community's trust.”

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