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Andrade named co-chair of Taiwan Friendship Caucus, aims to continue long-standing diplomatic ties

News & Media, Member Featured

State Rep. Mike Andrade (D-Munster) has been named co-chair of the Taiwan Friendship Caucus, which aims to foster and grow long-standing diplomatic and business ties between Indiana and Taiwan. 

After an introductory meeting with Caucus Chair Ryan Lauer (R-Columbus), Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Chicago Deputy Director General Justin Lee and TECO Deputy Director Daniel Yilung Huang, Andrade plans to continue fostering Indiana’s long-standing relationship with the nation of Taiwan. 

“I’m proud to step into this new leadership role and serve alongside Rep. Lauer to strengthen our state’s ties with Taiwan,” Andrade said. “While there may be a language barrier and an ocean between our two countries, the values we share–democracy, freedom, and equality–transcend any outward differences. By working together, Indiana and Taiwan can attain economic prosperity and mutual cultural respect.”                                                      

Mr. Johnson Chiang, Director General of TECO in Chicago, said, ”We congratulate and applaud State Rep. Andrade named as Co-Chair of the Taiwan Friendship Caucus at the Indiana State House of Representatives. We are also grateful for his predecessor, State Rep. Terri Austin’s long-lasting friendship. We firmly believe the comprehensive partnership between Taiwan and Indiana will continue to grow deeper and stronger with Rep. Andrade’s leadership. I look forward to working with the Caucus in the future.”

Plans for the caucus include an economic roundtable with business representatives from the state of Indiana and the annual Council of State Governments Conference happening this summer in Detroit.

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