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Adoption incentives advanced in Macer legislation approved by the Indiana House

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INDIANAPOLIS - In an effort to address Indiana’s 9,294 children in foster care waiting to be adopted, State Rep. Karlee Macer (D-Indianapolis) has coauthored legislation that would offer tax benefits to Hoosier families who adopt children.

House Bill 1222, passed unanimously out of the House today, looks to provide tax incentives to individuals who adopt children. Each taxable year, an individual who is eligible to claim the adoption credit on their federal tax return is entitled to a credit against their adjusted gross income tax liability.

“This is a great bipartisan bill that recognizes families who are adopting children right here in our state,” said Macer.

“Of course, we wish we could do so much more for people who are adding such wonderful children to their lives but what this will do is apply a tax credit and also create an opportunity to study more issues when it comes to adoption.”

Macer believes that there are numerous myths surrounding adoption that lead to people being wary of the adoption process, including the misconception that there are no orphans in the United States and that only married couples with a stay at home parent are allowed to adopt.

“Through my own experience as a court appointed special advocate and as a parent, I have seen firsthand that there are so many wonderful kids who want what we all want,” said Macer. “These kids need loving homes and families and this bill will be able to financially assist those families who adopt children in our state.”

By dispelling some of the myths surrounding adoption and rewarding the families that step up and open their homes to Indiana’s children, Macer believes that the state will move towards Governor Pence’s goal of becoming the most pro-adoption state in the country.

“This bill will help us find out how we can do an even better job when it comes to finding homes for our wonderful small Hoosiers,” said Macer.

The bill now moves to the Indiana Senate for further legislative action.

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