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Macer speaks out against poor living conditions at the Indiana Women’s Prison

News & Media, Member Featured

INDIANAPOLIS – State Rep. Karlee Macer (D-Speedway) today spoke out against the continued lack of action to improve the living conditions in the Indiana Women's Prison. Since April, women who have tested positive for COVID-19 have been on lockdown in what the Women's Prison has called “cottages,” where they have little access to water, no air conditioning and poor air circulation.  

According to a recent article addressing this rising issue, inmates in isolation may not have access to a bathroom for up to 18 hours, leaving some to limit their water intake and face dehydration.

“While most of Indiana was celebrating Independence Day over the weekend, these women were experiencing heat exhaustion, lack of running water and a denial of any basic human dignity,” said Macer. “The Department of Correction has claimed that prisoners are 'safer' where they are, which may be true when it comes to infection rates, but that is far from the case when we're talking about their physical and mental wellbeing.

“This has been a problem for almost three months and I am outraged that nothing has been done to improve the circumstances these women are being made to endure. The physical and mental damages of these so-called solutions are not consistent with the level of care and expertise we should expect from our justice system. Though I appreciate the swift action that was taken to isolate those who are infected with COVID-19 from those who are not, more resources are needed if these women are going to survive this pandemic.”

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